Friday, November 27, 2015

Ink fest!

There's one benefit to at least starting NaNoWriMo this year: it got me back to writing by hand, which a) I enjoy and which b) seems to jog my creativity a little, or at least gives me a longing for creativity, which is sometimes the key to finding it again.

This is maybe a third to a half of the full stash...

I still have more fountain pens than any one person needs. At least they're small! At the moment, I've been leaning toward the cartridge converters, partly because they're often simpler to maintain, and partly because...well. Let me tell you.

Back when I first discovered Goulet Pens and their ink samples, I ordered about a billion* ink samples. Because, hey, I could! And look at all the pretty colors! And then life got in the way and I used pencils a lot for awhile there and I pretty much forgot about the ink samples until I moved, and then realized I still had about a billion* minus four.

So this has been a month of playing with inks again, primarily in my Pilot Metropolitan and the Lamy Safaris, since they're cheerful and easy to clean out. I've only actually emptied a few vials, but it's a start.


Of course, now I want a bottle of Noodler's Cactus Fruit Eel (it's so bright and happy!) and a bottle of Waterman Tender Purple and a bottle of...

But not until I've used up at least half a billion more vials, I think.

*slight exaggeration

Edited to add: here's a post with a bit of info about how I get ink into my pens! 


  1. I find myself also very creative with fountain pens.

  2. Experimenting with inks must be lots of fun! I use blue-black and rarely deviate from it.

  3. I have yet to experiment with different inks. I generally will load a pen with blue or black and that pen tends to stay that way. I also use the syringe filling system.

  4. Boy, that's a lotta inks! :D
    Myself, I just have a large bottle of Mont Blanc Royal Blue that I found at a thrift, new in box for .99 - with which I fill a small handful of lever-fillers. Not very varied, but it does the job. (:

  5. I doubt I will ever go quite so all-in as this again, and the older I get, the less patience I have for flushing pens on a regular basis...but it is fun getting to see the variety available! Also helps a bit with grass-is-greener syndrome: I've found that a lot of inks that appear beautiful in reviews on screen don't agree with me or my pens for one reason or another, either appearance or performance wise. Nice to know.
