Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Faster Than the Speed of Write

Rocket pencil

I was rushing out the door to ride to work this morning when I remembered I'd meant to grab another Musgrave Test Scoring 100 pencil. The one at work was down to not much more than a nubbin. I'd already buckled my pannier closed, so I tucked the pencil in with my [messily bundled] jacket under the elastic net on the top of the rack and let it ride in the open air.

Looks kinda like a little silver rocket back there, doesn't it? Maybe if I added a few more, they'd make me faster.

(I can dream.)

Musgrave Test Scoring 100 Stubby
And the old guy it replaces, just stubbin' in the sun...


Joe V said...

Very streamlined, indeed.

Johnny said...

You know, a bike with this pencil's coloring (matte silver, chrome and that dusty pink for tires/seat/grips) would be beautiful!

Elizabeth H. said...

It would be!

I can just imagine going to some custom builder and explaining to them that I'm designing my bike after a pencil...