Bernard is up on Craigslist, for about the amount I have in him (with the platen and all) not counting ribbons. It hurts, but I think have to at least make an effort, since I can't imagine fitting two standards in that little house without one ending up on the floor of the closet (or, heaven forbid, out in the shed), unused. That isn't fair.
It'd be nice if he ended up with someone who was into / got into typecasting, so I could keep a virtual eye on him...but we shall see. No bites yet.
It is a very good thing indeed that geography is my nemesis right now.
So sad... On the bright side there is the SG1!!!!
And don't you have that Olivetti desktop as well? Making it 3 desktops hehe
@Mike--you know I'd love for you to have it! Wish you weren't so far away. :-\
James, the other standard is a Hermes Ambassador. Also have that one up for sale. No bites so far.
Yeah, I think I could live quite happily with "just" an SG-1...but Bernard is special. I'm hoping he does sell, but to someone who really appreciates him.
FYI about boxes and moving, be sure to check out Home Depot. They have really nice boxes for a dollar!!!
Yeah, how much would it cost to ship such a thing? To Massachusetts?
One of these got me through High School. Then I let it go. Now I want it back.
That Senatorial Font is an added bonus. Mine was the usual courier.
This makes me sad.
It's so hard, sending them off into the world, isn't it?
I imagine it'd be pretty prohibitively expensive, though I could be wrong. The SG-3 is, shall we say, not altogether petite. I wonder if there's any chance Cambridge Typewriters gets in SG-3s now and again? Might be worth checking with them!
It's the typeface that makes this a particularly hard decision. It is, as has been stated previously, the coolest typeface evar. If it was exactly the same as the SG-1, I wouldn't be *as* broken up about letting it go, despite the memories. The SG-1 has, subjectively speaking anyway, a nicer feel to it. But ooh, that typeface!
There's someone out in the typosphere (can't remember who!) who has an SG-1 with Senatorial type. Mmmmm.
What is the typeface on this one?
The technorific typeface....
The Hermes is beautiful!! Wish you were local to me (I'm on the east coast)--I would buy it in a heartbeat. I can imagine what shipping would be on the beast. Just curious, how much does it weigh?
Sigh...yet another reason I lament not living in the Pacific Northwest.
Well...the Ambassador, Bernard and the mojo 3000 are all gone. I'm happy to have known them, and will miss them...but I suppose there's a certain peace in paring down to just a few that are more used than the many would have been. I still have a few more I should probably let go, for that matter. Stinky, for example, if I could find the perfect match for him.
Good homes for all the outgoing typers, I think. The two Hermes typewriters went to a man with two beautiful well-cared-for old Coronas (and a Siamese cat and a banjo, so they should be right at home. ;-), and Bernard the SG-3 went to a local collector / typewriter lover, so he too will be taken care of. I also got a new typewriter in exchange for Bernard (more on that later) I'm really only down two at the moment, but the replacement has, shall we say, a slightly smaller footprint.
One of these days I'll get around to making a real post.
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