I'm very much hoping to attend, especially since I apparently completely overlooked an earlier type-in in the area. Snohomish is quite a haul for me...so we'll see. With the new Android with GPS capability, I'm feeling a lot less scared than I could be, but it's still a lonnnng way over unfamiliar ground. But hey, it'd build character, right?
I don't have a sweetheart to write to, but I figure a sister will do. ;) Or I could always do a live sorta typecast thing.
In any case, it promises to be an exciting event, and I hope lots of folks come out!
Hey, thanks for the promo help. That would be great if you can come out. If it helps sway you, I'd even be willing to write out exact directions so you can make and survive the scarry venture North.
Um, I mean "scary".
Dude, Richard Scarry is awesome.
lfp, hope to see you there!
Richard Scarry is indeed awesome.
Somehow I never did quite get into the Scarry books as a kid. To me, they sort of feel like they were written by a grown-up who didn't really understand kids, so they're a slightly disturbing parody of a grown-up world instead of a completely imaginative fantasy world. If that makes sense. I did like the Richard Scarry nursery rhyme book we had, though. Cool pictures
Justin--instructions wouldn't hurt! I'm pretty sure the GPS will mostly get me there (having a voice telling me when to watch for interstate exits and such instead of having to continually try to grab papers one-handed and read while driving is *wonderful* for a solo driver, I gotta say), but landmarks and parking info for the endpoint would be great!
You are in Tacoma, right? I don't know where you are in relation to I-5 but you'll want to head North on it. You can take I-405 and it is a smidge faster but I-5 is simpler. You stay on 5 all the way through Seattle, Northgate, Edmonds, Lynnwood -- it's a ways. You take it all the way to south Everett and take exit 186 for WA-96/128th Street SW. Turn right (East) onto 128th Street SW. Follow that for maybe four or five miles until the road comes to a T. Take a left on WA-9. You will be heading down a big hill into Snohomish valley. Keep going until you cross a green bridge (over the Snohomish river) and get off the highway. Take a right onto 2nd street. Keep going maybe a mile or so until you see Uppercase Books on your right.
It should take you about an hour and fifteen mintues to an hour and a half. The address is 611 Second Street, Snohomish, WA, 98290. The phone number is (360) 568.5987.
I'm actually south of Olympia...so you can add thirty to forty minutes to those times, depending on what traffic is like by the base and through Tacoma. I know, I know...nothing but whining...
It's good to know I-5 is simpler! I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!
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